What Makes a Reggio Emilia Preschool?
Reggio Emilia Preschool The term Reggio Emilia Preschool , or Reggio Emilia inspired school from the time of World War II; the name is derived from the city of Reggio Emilia. This concept is the brainchild of Loris Malaguzzi and other villagers of Reggio Emilia. The concept revolves around preschoolers and primary students. The idea is to let them explore and discover a path of their own. To take these kids away from structured learning into a world where they will find their way through symbolic languages like painting, sculpting, drama, etc. here’s how Reggio-Emilia preschool or Reggio-Emilia inspired International Schools in Austin works. Factors That Makeup Reggio-Emilia: Here are the elements that make up the Reggio-Emilia approach: Evolving Curriculum: By evolving curriculum, it means that there is no definite structure of the curriculum. The existing curriculum comes from the interest of the children. These include practical experiments like arts, pud...