5 Reasons Why Your Child Should Attend a Language Immersion Preschool

spanish immersion daycare austin

The 21st century world is more integrated than ever. There are a lot and a lot of reasons for the world to work together.  Development of every region is only possible when the global community comes together to work for each other’s upliftment. There are few most developed regions, few are partially developed, and a good portion of underdeveloped regions. The covid 19 pandemic was a recent example of how the world has to come together to overcome challenges and look towards a bright future. This level of integration has led to individuals learn more about international politics, regions, international trade. Another really important element between all this knows a foreign language. Knowing an extra language is always serves as a great advantage.

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This language benefit has turned parents into thinking about making their children learn a language at a very early age. Not only will they have many opportunities in the job aspect once they learn a new language but they can now successfully interact with a section of society speaking that particular language, one could easily understand their culture with a lot more inclusivity. There are a lot of things that are directly connected to the region's language and this area opens up for your children to explore.

Therefore parents these days quickly try to learn about these language immersion programs. There are a lot of Spanish immersion schools in Austin. Let us try to understand how this preschool immersion programs work. They are very much different from classes run in a foreign language. A traditional school serving a special class of a foreign language might still lack that unique element that these immersion schools can put together to give the best education possible. The major difference arises with the fact that in any traditional school a child will end up speaking English or his native language most of the time. But these language schools or the program will give a chance to speak the very language your child is learning most of the time. So a Spanish immersion school in Austin will let your child speak Spanish for the majority of the hours.

Spanish immersion daycare in Austin mostly offers almost all periods which are taught in the Spanish language. So your child ends up speaking Spanish almost all day. Many immersion programs are offered simultaneously. So it very much depends on what an individual expects and demands. It is mostly assumed with each program that the one language spoken by the learner is English and that one is willing to learn any other language (say Spanish in this case) and maybe one more language as well ( say Portuguese).

Full Immersion

This immersion program is probably one of the most popular ones. Choosing this program means 100 percent of your studies will be in Spanish or whatever language one has opted for. The program will focus on bringing up your Spanish learning and making you fluent in every aspect of Spanish.

Partial Immersion

This program will let students interact and learn 50 percent in Spanish and 50 in English. The program will focus on the fluency of both languages. It is believed by few parents that learning English goes equally important and sometimes the right knowledge requirement for English could not be met just by speaking it at home. There are other basic aspects too about a language on which one has to work to be fluent in reading and writing as well as speaking.  So partial immersion program solves this issue and works equally on both languages.

Triple Play Immersion

This triple-play program could easily be termed as one of the most ambitious programs among all the programs that a Spanish immersion daycare in Austin has to offer. This variant will consist of 2 foreign languages as well as English. So if you or your child opt for such a variant you will be introduced to languages say Spanish and Portuguese. Both will be taught simultaneously. A good structure will be introduced so an individual doesn’t end messing everything up but rather have enough time to concentrate on 2 foreign languages as well as English which for the most part will be taught at home. This kind of program is rare but is pretty exciting.

Thus these are mostly the programs you will find at a language immersion school. Let’s move further and try to understand how these programs are definitely what you are looking for. How they are near perfect for your child's growth.  

1)  Bang for your buck

One must get this fact pretty clear as to how easy it gets for a little child to learn a language when he is given such an atmosphere for over several years. Approximately 10 years is invested in such a daycare and this time is enough for a child to be as good in a language as a native speaker. We accept the fact that these immersion daycares are slightly expensive in comparison with regular English school but the amount of extra money invested will give hefty returns in form of a great future for your child. It is easy to learn a language when you are engaged with it from your early years. So why not take this right decision of planning a wonderful career for your child from now.


2)  Language absorption

The little ones are ready to absorb a lot of things that come their way at an early age. Everything is new for them and they find it exciting to learn wherever fate has to offer. So why be imposed over fate and rather offer our children every lucrative stuff on our own. Provide them the opportunity and they are ready to make the most of it. The extent of foreign language used in an immersion daycare is much more than in a traditional setting. Send your child from an early age and see them grow much more intellectually and inclusive. Same as the world demands.


3)  Methodology

It is important to understand the methodology the teachers are up to in a Spanish immersion school in Austin. They are given the flexibility and free approach to reach a language from different angles. This gives them an upper hand to cover different aspects by covering varied approaches and letting a child learn the way it suits them best. Generally, the students at such a young age are curious and hungry, they are eager to learn and thus pick up all the angles offered to them with grace.


4)  Involvement

The immersion preschools provide the right opportunity for the parents who have high hopes and commitment for themselves and their children. Parents do wish to have a sense of involvement so they can track the growth and could be helpful wherever they get the opportunity to contribute. So the parents in these schools could act as a participant to let other people meet, understand the methods and different way of learning approach and infuse all that into their child for ensuring good growth and positive outcomes. Parents slightly feel responsible for the decision of providing their children a different experience instead of a traditional English school and thus getting an opportunity to make a difference bring them a sense of relief and they embrace this positive involvement.


5)  Compassion and culture

Learning a new language brings along this lucrative opportunity to understand a different culture and rightly mixing with it brings compassion and empathy in an individual’s nature. Inclusivity is the very basis for bright existence in today’s world and what better way to start. This immersion school thus serves as an important step towards an inclusive future which is the demand of today’s world. Awareness about a different culture is an asset with multiple advantages. As we learned about this integrated world, what is more, important than learning about a different culture and put a step towards a real sense of globalization.

We at Austin Eco bilingual school are one of the best Spanish immersion daycares in Austin. We have years of experience and have one of the most skilled staff and teachers to look after. Knowing an extra language is like a blessing in today’s world so we at Austin bilingual school serve to give your little ones the right environment and make them learn a new language. We don’t stop there but rather make sure your child is on the right path to learn the importance of being humble, inclusive, and respectful with everyone.

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ORIGINAL SOURCE: https://bit.ly/3FdvXh2


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