Easy Ways to Teach Your Toddlers to Read

private schools in south Austin

Every parent from the very first day when their child is born wishes to give them the best education. They wish to make their child educated enough so he or she could lead a successful life. So the very first step for the parents towards their child’s education is not when they are admitted to a preschool, rather the education starts from the birth of the child. Parents should understand that the child starts picking up skills and all sorts of information he sees or listens nearby. It is always said that the most critical time of important learning for a child is between 2 to 5 years. Reading skills in a child does not come naturally but are something a parent has to keenly work on. They have to follow the right ways and plan properly to give correct input to the children’s which they can grasp easily. There are many private schools in south Austin that organize phonic activities and try to cultivate phonemic activities in children. Though we cannot term reading as a complex procedure, it's comparatively very easy and children’s would quickly pick up if they are given a positive atmosphere slightly mixed up with a fun experience and It will become all too easy for the little once. If you make this learning process rewarding it will turn out to be much more efficient and students will find the process interesting and fun.

Also Read for Benefits of the Reggio Emilia Preschool

If you make this learning process rewarding it will turn out to be much more efficient and students will find the process interesting and fun.

Using songs & nursery rhymes

If you have got this feeling that those songs and rhymes we used to practice were just for fun, it’s not true. They have a very important place in helping the children in their learning process. Children end up hearing these rhymes every day and this helps them to identify words and eventually helps them to learn to read. All those poems recited in a group while clapping in a rhythm together is very important learning which creates phonemic awareness.  These activities are organized in most of the Austin private preschools as children can learn these very essential literacy skills and can connect the dots for learning to read successfully.

Making simple word cards at home

There are a few activities a guardian must organize to make little once learn quicker and effective. On a piece of the card write down commonly used words on each one of them, the words could be anything from pig, pot, sun, car, table, dog, etc. now it’s time to ask your little one to pick up a card and say out loud what word Is written on it. You should also repeat the work along with him and this will be a very effective and fun way to teach your little love. You can also put numbers and alphabets if the child is too small and it would be a wonderful activity to conduct. A little basic preparation is required to effectively convey the very essential decoding and phonic skills to the toddlers. They will understand how the sounds and letters are pronounced and sound like. It is important to focus more on the sound if the toddler has just started learning the alphabet.

Engaging the toddlers in a print-rich environment

If we go to any Austin private preschools, we would see printed posters with little words and pictures written or made in bright colors are hanging on the walls. It’s a very effective way to pass the information to the students as they visualize and learn through his process. Learning daily do wonders for them. This print-rich environment helps the student to quire knowledge daily and to push it even further, the teacher has to point out the alphabets or the first letter of the word written on the poster while emphasizing the sound of it.  This activity keeps the students on the learning process all the time as soon as they enter such an environment.

Word games at home

Word games are often the very initial set of games that every parent gifts their children. Their popularity is no coincidence. Seeing and listening to the sounds of those words while making it a fun activity is a win-win situation. Children feel happy to be playing the game and meanwhile can listen and grasp these vital lessons of their childhood. We can take this word game a step further and ask them about the sound a particular word make, what sound in the starting and what sound towards the end and followed by what other words make a similar sound. Simple yet very effective steps to make your little one learn and grasp quickly.

Understanding the core skills involved in teaching toddlers to read

This is a very important thing to understand and have knowledge about for every guardian to make sure that their children are quick in developing their reading skills. To learn reading one must have to acquire a set of five different skills. There are five major skills to be precise. We have to make sure that our little ones acquire these skills quickly, so they could develop their reading skills. The skills are-

  • Phonemic awareness- this is the ability of a person to hear and manipulate the sounds of various words.
  • Phonics- is defined as the ability to understand the deep connection between the alphabets and the sounds each one of them produces.
  • Vocabulary- one of the most important aspects while you learn reading. It is the ability of an individual to start understanding the meaning of words, what is their definition and in what context are they used.
  • Reading comprehension- is the ability to understand the meaning of a paragraph.
  • Fluency- This is the ability to speak out the words loud and clear while understanding their meaning accurately.

Playing with the letter magnets

Each one of us understands how difficult it could be for a child to understand those vowels present in the middle of the word, it could be very tricky for them to pick up a sound of it. This is exactly where this letter magnet activity could turn out to be very helpful. Prepare the letter magnets and stick them somewhere as you do it on your refrigerator. Once you separate all the vowels, pronounce a word that has a vowel in it in the middle surrounded by the consonants. Ask your little one to spell it correctly and keep placing the magnet in line. Say the sound of each letter out loud along with the vowels and this is how this activity would help your child learn how to easily pronounce the vowels and the words that contain the vowels.

Using technology to keep your toddler engaged

Our little loved ones usually tend to generate interest quickly and if not taken care they lose interest too at the same pace. The same goes with the learning process, children do generate an interest in learning new things every day but as soon as they hit a wall with some difficult lessons, all the interest dries down. It becomes a challenge for parents to make sure that their little love keeps the learning process intact without losing interest. Using technology is a vital weapon to keep the children get going. Online learning on live screens is attractive for kids. Also, learning through online games are a great process in today’s world, all parents have to do is to understand children don’t make a habit of using this technology to learn. Versatility in their behavior is important.

Read together daily

Reading daily is one of the most vital steps towards effective learning for kids. Children do pick a lot of skills while simply making a habit of reading every day. Children learn to pronounce the word while working on their speaking fluency, meanwhile, they also enhance their vocabulary and the comprehension skills reach a different level through this reading habit every day. Once your little love makes reading a habit, he will also start creating interest in reading other journals and knowledgeable material which will be very vital for his overall growth.

Children’s comprehension skills can be improved if parents start counter questioning from what they have read. Make them look at different pictures of animals, fruits, flowers, and architecture and let them make their analysis about it. These little ones are great at developing imagination, thus encouraging them to make their own stories and meanwhile direct them to learn and grow through it.

Games to memories high-frequency sight words

Sight words are difficult to pronounce and one has to give extra attention to these words to make them learn and pronounce. There are also high-frequency sight words that come in a sentence very often, therefore it’s important to recognize them and make your little ones know about them in advance. I, the, we, had, have, was, etc. these words have to be identified in advance and a regular memorization practice is required so that students learn these essential words real quick.


Every parent and teacher has to understand that every toddler has his capacity and they learn at their pace. All the guardians have to do is to make sure that learning becomes fun and joyful. Include a lot of fun activities and make them enjoy their time while they learn some of the essential lessons which will be their base for future lessons and learning. Private schools in south Austin have followed this mantra for years, where they make learning fun for little kids and the outcomes through this have been wonderful.

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Original Source: https://bit.ly/3cKWy8c


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